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Student Wellness and Success/Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid

Indian Creek School District recieves funds for Student Wellness and Success and Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid.  The following district initiatives are funded by these sources:

* Reading Improvement and Intervention: K-2 teachers provide 120 minutes per day of reading instruction and intervention.  Also, the paraprofessionals in the START program are supported by these funds. 


*  Our district employs a Board Certified Behavior Analyst to work with both staff and students. 


*  ICLSD employs 2 full-time school nurses district-wide.  Plans are in place to also hire a Family Medical Specialist (LPN). 


*  The Virtual Learning Academy online and blended curriculum.


*  Our district employs 2 full-time School Resource Officers in partnership with the Jefferson County Sheriff. 


*  ICHS utilizes a Career Based Intervention program. 


*  We have a full-time school counselor in both elementary schools and at our middle school.